Saturday, April 23, 2022

COVID vaccine and trust in the system

I would like to see a bit more temperance and care in the medical profession and industry. I believe vaccines can be beneficial in principle, but the past decade has certainly shown just how greedy and careless the industry is, and how poorly managed and political the medical profession has become. Some points to follow: 1. There was a serious adverse reaction to the MMR vaccine in a friend's child that made me wonder why this can happen. Some like to separate the three, but it's not always easy to obtain separately. 2. The swine flu vaccination was a total disaster and the state of Finland is still paying reparations to families where narcolepsy was triggered by the Pandemrix vaccine. Some batches of the vaccine in Europe also contained the live virus. Why can't we do things right? 3. There were studies on the Swine flu that showed no difference between occurences in vaccinated and non vaccinated cohorts. Fortunately that "level 6" pandemic didn't get to the hysteria phase that COVID did. 4. Finally, COVID. Oh boy, there's so much to say, but in summary: this will generate material for antivaccers for decades. Not only was EVERYTHING wrong about how we treated COVID and the vaccine didn't end up working, but on top of this we got to see sickening videos of the police harassing a pregnant mother for her social media posts (Australia), draconian "health measures" like what we've been used to countries like North Korea engaging in: masking, vaccinations, isolation, suicide rates skyrocketing, ... a) End of 2020 was the time of repeated promises that once the vaccine finally arrives, the pandemic will be over and we can get back to normal. b) Doctors were urging the development of therapeutic options and those were actually stopped by governments to varying degrees. This is beyond the pale. It shouldn't matter if you like vaccines. Let my doctor use her experience with other antiviral treatments and work on a protocol to help COVID patiens. But no, instead the official guidance was basically: go home and come back when you can't breathe anymore. Of course more people died this way; treatment should be started as soon as possible! I don't understand how regular uneducated democrats became so arrogantly opposed to trained medical doctors experimenting with commonly used antiviral options such as hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, monoclonal antibodies, etc etc. Let the doctors do their job, we'll find out what works eventually. c) In Finland ~90% of the population is double or triple vacced, and the hospitalization and death count this winter was/is about TRIPLE that of last winter when no vaccine was available. FAIL. Similar observations can be made of several areas, such as Gibraltar, Iceland and Israel. In many countries the deaths this winter have been similar to last winter or greater. The vaccine was supposed to end the pandemic and after three vaccines we see NO DIFFERENCE or the situation getting worse! FAIL. d) Communication and division: people have been divided by politics and the media. The "truth" is dictated from above and policed. For example, saying that you can catch and transmit COVID after getting the vaccine got you banned on social media for a while. Now it's a known fact. You couldn't discuss the lab leak theory for a while at least on Facebook. Now you can. And so on. Free speech should not be the first casualty of a scientific debate. Science is not a set of known facts contained in a big book that the infallible priesthood of medicine has, it's a PROCESS, which involves making hypothesis, counter arguments, observations, debates, studies, ... very often the medical field gets things totally wrong, as we have seen. Trust the process and stop quenching the flow of information. Let me suggest a trust hierarchy that should always be followed, or I'm going to run: 1. My body my choice. Whatever billion dollar revenue product you are selling, I get to decide. If you even suggest that I don't, I'm out. 2. Concerns are taken seriously and publicly discussed, not hidden or belittled. The benefit-cost analysis should be public. 3. Alternatives are 100% allowed, not blocked Finally, there used to be a very healthy culture of medical practice in Finland. Treatment of any kind was always minimized and the assumption was that most people don't ever need any kind of intervention. In the USA, the opposite seems to be true, simply because it's a huge industry. Less is more. I'm hoping we can return to a more sane world where intervention (whether it be preventive or therapeutic) is administered with care and temperance, in a grown-up fashion.

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