Friday, August 12, 2022

The Gun says it: You are Free

Watch this great and though provoking talk on guns.
Gun control has its roots in slavery, and slavery is - as history shows - what it causes.
There is no symbol of freedom quite like the gun. You can do all the same things in tyrannical places like communist China, except own guns! Having met some black gun owners in the past few months, I've learned to more deeply appreciate what is so special about being able to keep and bear arms. It has to do with the psychology of the reality it represents: the power to stand on your own and know you are person with full rights, just like anyone who wants to rule over you. This is the essence of the 2nd amendment.

The typical black gun owner is grinning from ear to ear, feeling the rush of freedom that this amazing country has given all men. They will be animated and excited about showing their Ar-15 setup and concealed weapon. I'm happy more and more are experiencing this.

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